Tuning and pruning
The natural world is a wise teacher.
Look at the trees—how they can bend in strong wind and flourish in extreme temperatures. They’re masters of adaptation and more.
Did you know that trees have secret ways to communicate with each other? Through the earth and the soil they actually send care packages of chemicals and nutrients to other plant creatures through thread-like networks. And they can share information about their environment when they sense a survival threat.
Incredible! There are conversations happening without words, just through silence and presence, in this natural world. What if we could tune our selves to listen more deeply to our inner world and each other?
We would most certainly slow down—to see and hear more clearly. Time would expand to hold more attention and fewer tasks. We would prune our choices—cut back thin, leggy, overextended areas to redirect resources to fresh, inner growth.
This is a time for tuning and pruning. And for discovering what is already there. It’s an invitation to welcome your self home to a more natural state of being.
I’ll see you there.